Drywall Cracking occurs in most manufactured homes, mostly because of the travel that the home goes through to get to the final destination. It can be alarming for some to see a drywall crack, but rest assured, drywall cracking happens because of transportation. Transport cracks should be resoved prior to occupancy.
Settling cracks appear after move in, and are also common. If your home is settling, expect some cracking. Make the repairs after the home has come to rest.
New manufactured home buyers, retail sales centers and factories have all used our services to close up the interior of manufactured homes. When a manufactured home has been delivered to site, there is a lot of work that has to happen before move in. We tackle the interior close up to include: Drywall close up at marriage lines, drywall crack repair, interior door adjustments, installation of ship loose interior molding, an electrical systems check (we are not electricians, we are verifying that outlets and switches are working after installation of the home), fresh water supply line check (we are not plumbers, we are verifying that there are no water leaks at your water supply lines). Items we can repair, we will. Items that we cannot repair, we will notify the company or person that has hired us with a report of needed repair.